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HomeVoter Services

Voter Services 
Contact Voter Services

The Voter Service Team is the most visible face of LWVLC to the public.

Its work is the bedrock of the League with its voter registration activities, voter education and campaigns to get out the vote. 

Read more about our work and many activities below.

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

Team Activities

Voter Registration – Voter registration drives are organized and held all year long at various venues including, high schools, colleges, food banks and community centers. Many LWVLC members as well as non-League members help to make our events a success. - Invite local candidates to provide background info and answer a few unbiased questions relevant to the office they are seeking. Post our local ballot issue pamphlet information. links to Colorado voter registration and provides voters with a personalized ballot where they can compare candidates and study the ballot issues. Check it out by clicking here:

Ballot Issues – We research, write, and publish unbiased pro-con pamphlets on local issues. Our speakers review local and state issues in order to give talks to League members and community groups. Local and state pamphlets are distributed to many locations in the County.

Candidate Forums 
– Our organizer arranges for venues and contacts candidates to coordinate dates and candidate availability. We enlist and train members to help as moderators, question sorters, ushers, and timers. Sample candidate questions are drafted for use with audience questions.

 – We email, text, and send postcard reminders to newly registered voters. Our goal for the future is to collaborate with other non-partisan groups to expand efforts.

Check Out Our
Complete Election Resources Page for
Comprehensive Voter Information

Election Resources

Eligibility Rules to Register and Vote In Colorado

  • You are a United States citizen.
  • You can pre-register at 16 years old.
  • You must be at least 18 to vote in any election.
  • Age 16+ can participate in caucuses if affiliated with a party.
  • You are a Colorado resident for at least 22 days immediately before the election in which you intend to vote.
  • You can register AND vote with a felony conviction while on parole or probation if you are not currently serving a term of imprisonment for a felony conviction; not incarcerated (per new law as of July 1, 2019).
  • You are not currently serving a term of imprisonment for a felony conviction; if on parole you CAN register AND vote as of July 1, 2019.

    Learn more at Voting and Conviction - Colorado SOS

    Find answers to frequently asked questions from Larimer County and Colorado Secretary of State.