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We welcome new members!

If you think you'd like to join but are not sure, our Membership Director will be happy to talk to you.

Join Now!

Why should I join?

Through participation in League projects, you will:

• study and discuss timely and important topics

• learn about crucial issues in your community

• make professional contacts and develop lasting friendships
• contribute valuable service
• help make Democracy work

How much time does it take?

It's up to you!

• support the League with your annual dues only. Your membership 
gives us the political influence needed to build a force for change

• join an issues or support team

• participate in a book group
• listen to a panel of experts
• study our website and watch presentation videos

How much does it cost?

There are currently four membership levels:

Individual $70/year

Household $105/year

Sustaining Individual $100/year
• Sustaining Household $150/year


What are the membership benefits?

• membership in and access to the LWV Larimer County, Colorado and US website/resources

• monthly newsletters:  League Lines and Mid-Month Focus
• access to the online calendar full of opportunities to meet with fellow members.  Visit Our Work to see all the groups available for you to join!